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Bachekor Thesis project by Daniela Hernandez, cloned from https://github.com/danielahrz/Bachelorthesis.git
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Matthias Reis / blindcontrol
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyProgram to control the motorized window blinds I built
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This Git-Repository contains all information required to reproduce the work described within the Masterthesis: "Boolean Simulation of Interconnected Signalling Cascades in a Cancer Context".
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Paula Martinell / Cell videogame
MIT LicenseThis repository provides an educational videogame about the cell cycle using the pygame package. It was developed for the long night of science 2019 in Berlin.
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Material to create a videogame using the pygame plataform. The game consists in managing various cell functions and resisting environmental threats in order to successfully complete each phase of the cell cycle culminating in cell division
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Judith Wodke / Corona_Model
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyModel for (Corona) Virus spreading
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Paula Martinell / fachkurs_bachelor
MIT LicenseIntroductory course to solving and anlyzing ordinary differential equations in Python
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Maxim Karnetzki / fachkurs_bachelor
MIT LicenseIntroductory course to solving and anlyzing ordinary differential equations in Python
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teaching / fachkurs_bachelor
MIT LicenseIntroductory course to solving and anlyzing ordinary differential equations in Python
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teaching / Fachkurs_Bachelor_WS2022
MIT LicenseUpdated -
teaching / fachkurs_master
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Jorin Diemer / female_sperm_selection
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis repository contains a model of sperm propagation within the bovine female genital tract.
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Performs statistical analysis on Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) data
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Les centrales nucléaires à fusion: Une source d'électricité propre, durable et sécuritaire?
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tbphu / GERDA
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyGEoReferenced Demographic Agent-based precision-modelling of infection-dynamics in locally specified communities, subject to COVID-19 outbreaks.
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Matthias Reis / linux-m68k-atarinommu
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterPort of Linux to MMU-less, original Atari ST computers